Shaddup Already!


An Ode to Bookfair, Part One

I dedicate this to all my teacher friends who have ever had to take their students anywhere.

First thing today
I remember the news,
Bookfair is here
I might blow a fuse.

As I drag myself in
I grumble and moan
for I know that today
my sanity won't be my own.

The come to class
They're bouncing off walls
I want to send them
right back to the halls.

They've forgotten procedures,
They've forgotten their rules.
Sometimes I think they're
more thick-headed than mules.

I tell them to sit,
They can't hear my pleas.
I beg them for quiet,
Which only one child sees.

I pull out the big guns,
I get their attention,
I threaten them all
With lifetime detention.

"What about bookfair?"
They scream and they cry,
"Why can't we go now?
"Why, why, WHY?!?"

"I have to take roll,"
I sigh and I say,
"And you have bellwork

I don't want to ruin anything, but the continuation will involve me actually getting them to bookfair.

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