Shaddup Already!


FCAT flu

Back when I was in school, I always got a bad cold during finals. I called it my finals flu. I would wander the school halls (or student center in college) with a box of Kleenex and snuffling madly.

I took to decorating my box of Kleenex just so I could add something a little special to my geekiness. We are talking about a full sized box of Kleenex here.

So my first year teaching, I got really sick during FCAT. This is the all important, standardized test that puts way too much pressure on everyone except politicians. There was already a dirt-old teacher whose shit didn't smell (according to the powers that be) who had a vendetta out against me. There was no way I was going to miss testing. It was too damned important.

So I dragged my sickly self into school. The first day of testing went fine, the second day I couldn't control my coughing. I didn't want to admit defeat and go home, but I knew I was creating a less than ideal testing environment for my students. So I asked if someone could proctor my test for me and I would do the job of covering for teachers when they needed breaks.

It was agreed that I would get my students started on the test and then they would send a sub in to cover for me.

I almost passed out as I was reading the state-mandated scripting. My students were poised and ready to call 911. I knew I just had to hold on for a few more minutes. Certainly I could make it.

They forgot about me.

When someone came to cover a break for me, I somehow made it to the teacher's conference room--command central. I sat there for a while, feverish and coughing uncontrollably. I was still willing to do the job of the non-testing teachers. Finally, after much debate and me arguing that I was fine, a guidance counselor called my mom to come pick me up. I couldn't even drive myself home. I was that sick.

I got home and slept for two days straight.

Last year I dreaded the arrival of illness at FCAT time. I didn't get sick one time last year. Yay! I thought my cycle of testing viruses was broken. I was wrong.

I am currently on the beginning edge of a bad cold. I have slept all weekend long trying to fool the virus into thinking I was a really boring person to infect. It is now Tuesday and I feel worse than ever. I took yesterday off of work and intended to go in today. This morning I woke up and felt really, well, crappy. So I called in again.

Tomorrow is the test run for FCAT (if everything isn't done by the book, the tests are invalidated and you have a mob of angry students, parents, teachers and administrators on your hands). Tomorrow afternoon is the teacher training session. I will be there. I fear I have missed too much school lately between the bad back and now this cold. It's coming up to the time where they will decide which third year teachers get continuing contract (tenure) and which ones don't. I want to be in the first group.

FCAT testing starts on Monday. I am positive I will be well by then. I must be well by then. I still need to get through this week, though. Test-taking tips, morale building, breathing exercises--it's all of the utmost importance. So I will be there tomorrow and Thursday and Friday. I will be.

The really good news about FCAT this year is that I'm in a large group with about 10 teachers and 350 students. That means there's a good chance I will not have to read the godforsaken state-mandated scripting. I hate scripting.

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exciting isn't it?

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