Shaddup Already!


The saga continues

Okay, if you haven't read this entry yet, go read it now or skip the current entry entirely. I'll wait while you go back and read that last entry.




still waiting












hurry up already



come on







So CNL tells me that I need to walk over to her house and get a key from dipshit.

Um, excuse me? You want little ol' me to walk across that big, dark cul-de-sac and ask a drug-addicted, bipolar, disgusting-porno reading person for a house key? When he doesn't know I'm being sent to look after the dog? Does he know he's moving out or is that a surprise too?

So I go.

On my way over there, I envisioned a grisly scene of drug, alcohol and porn gluttony surrounding the cold, dead body of an innocent shitzu. What the fuck was I doing?

I rang the doorbell and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding when I heard the dog bark. I apparently woke up dipshit because he stumbled to the door in just his boxers. Oh yeah, bring it on baby!

Then I said, "CNL sent me over to get a key, um, in case, you know, I need to take care of the dog."

Dipshit looked at me rather incredulously and said he had no idea what was going on.

I said I had no idea what was going on, CNL just sent me over there to get the key. Could he please get me a key?

He left me at the door saying he would try to find it. He shut the door, much to my relief, because I truly did not want to be invited in. Then I hear, "I'm FUCKING done with this!"

I waited a bit and he finally returned to the door with a phone at his ear and a keyring in his hand.

He told me that CNL's son accused him of stealing CNL's gun--the one he says he didn't know she had. CNL's son said he was coming down with booze, guns and the DEA and he had better get his ass out of there or else he was going to jail.

I'm nodding in what I hope is a sympathetic, I-know-exactly-what-you're-going-through-because-that-happened-to-me-just-last-week look. At that moment, CNL apparently answers the phone because he starts talking to her and shutting the door in my face.

Normally I would be relieved, but I still don't know when I'm supposed to look after the frickin' dog. So I ask him if he is going to be there tomorrow morning. He responds with an "I don't know" and tries to shut the door again.

Now I'm panicking. I just want to know if I have to go over there in the morning or not. And it has just been elevated to a level where I have to keep an already irate, somewhat irrational man from closing the door.

I put on my sweet, innocent face and said, "I'm sorry to keep bothering you, Dipshit, but will you be here to take care of Sophie first thing in the morning or do I need to come by before work?"

So it turns out he'll be there. I'm supposed to go by after work.

I called CNL and Vera left me waiting on the phone. I don't think she could handle me calling back repeatedly until CNL got off the phone. CNL told me that Dipshit was going to talk to the detective (what the fuck?) because CNL didn't kick him out, her son did.

Methinks there is more to this story than I've been told.

Mealsothinks I do not want to hear the complete story until it has been resolved in a peaceful manner with minimal ill-will.

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